Logotipos Autoconsumo RD477/2021
The Roadmap incorporates Measure 1 on self-consumption aid programs for the reactivation of the sector.
Although self-consumption is currently profitable in certain circumstances, in a context of economic crisis derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is considered necessary to issue clear signals in favor of investment – in the short term to maximize its counter-cyclical effect – in facilities. self-consumption due to its potential
generation of activity, improvement of domestic economies and the competitiveness of companies.
Within the framework of the Transformation and Resilience Recovery Plan, RD 477/2021 has been approved, aimed at promoting electrical self-consumption installations, primarily wind and photovoltaic technologies, in all economic sectors with special mention in the residential sector.
The aid may consider the incorporation of storage systems linked to self-consumption facilities and other particularities that may be incentivized to encourage the implementation of these facilities in all economic sectors.