The E.P.E. Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), M.P., is a body assigned to the Ministry for the Ecological Transition through the Secretary of State for Energy, to which it reports.
It contributes to fulfilling our country’s objectives and commitments regarding improvements in energy efficiency, renewable energy and other low carbon cost technologies. This constitutes the strategic framework of its activities.
To this end, the IDAE carries out promotional and training activities, technical consulting, development of specific programmes and financing of technical projects which are innovative and replicable. Likewise, the Institute leads active international engagement within the framework of various European Programmes and co-operation with third countries.
In addition, Royal Decree-Law 20/2012, of 13 July, on measures to ensure fiscal stability and enhance competitiveness, expanded the functions of the IDAE to support technologies focused on the decarbonization of electricity generation; assist the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and the Digital Agenda in those administrative, judicial or arbitration proceedings of which the General State Administration is a part; and to develop in-house provision of instruments and technical service, in the terms established in its Statute, and in all matters related to its purposes and functions, the work entrusted to it by the General State Administration as well as by its dependent agencies and entities, which may have the status of contracting authorities